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Showing posts with the label love

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Happy New Year

To a happiness and success filled New Year 2018

Secret of love-Brad pitt

Updated July 2017 Brad Pitt About His Wife :  "My wife got sick. She was constantly nervous because of problems at work, personal life, her failures and problems with children.  She has lost 30 pounds and weighted about 90 pounds in her 35 years. She got very skinny, and was constantly crying. She was not a happy woman.  She had suffered from continuing headaches, heart pain and jammed nerves in her back and ribs. She did not sleep well, falling asleep only in the morning and got tired very quickly during the day.  Our relationship was on the verge of break up. Her beauty was leaving her somewhere, she had bags under her eyes, she was poking her head, and stopped taking care of herself.  She refused to shoot the films and rejected any role. I lost hope and thought that we’ll get divorced soon…  But then I decided to act on it. After all I've got the most beautiful woman on the earth. She is the idol of more than half of men a...

Fight for me

Awesome post I came across... Fight for me - not because I deserve it but because I need to see that you will walk through the #flames and your choices will not be swayed by my #mistakes, I need to know that the first sign of #turbulence won't make you change course and that you have just as much courage and #loyalty as I carry within my own heart, fight for me, not because I need you to prove some form of egocentric heroism, but rather that you view our relationship as something where endings are just not even an option and when push comes to shove you won't jump ship and abandon, I need to know I can be vulnerable without judgment, I need to be able to reveal weakness without being dominated, I want to count on you even when I cannot count on my own self, fight for me, fight for me because you believe with out me life will cease to exist and in your mind I am the air in which you breathe and the bond between us is something that is built on unconditional, fight for me, when ...

Absolute complete surrender - Hanuman to Ram

A perfect example for a surrendered devotee of Lord is Hanuman ji. Lord Hanuman symbolically stands for pure devotion , complete surrender and absence of ego or the lower self. As the son of Vayu, symbolically he also stands for the subtle body consisting of the breath body, the mental body and the intelligence body. Here we explain Hanuman as the mental body in a human being. The mind if fickle(like a monkey). Once it surrenders to the inner self(Shri Ram) and becomes devoted to it completely and unconditionally, it assumes miraculous powers and performs stupendous feats.. Read More:

Thank you for loving me anyway

Thank you for loving me anyway :)

Love matters most

Love is the most important thing. It's not about how much you have, how much you know, or how much you do. It's about how well you love. Love is what matters most.

Christian The Lion - A Pet's Love Is Forever

This is the coolest video I have ever seen. .. so inspiring! Christian The Lion - A Pet's Love Is Forever! and the amazing aerosmith songie...adds magic to it! Song: Don't Wanna Miss A Thing... Here's another link for the documentary: Christian The Lion - Full ending:..  

hand in hand

A date!

A lovely fwd..... After 21 years of marriage , my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said I love you but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you. The other woman that my wife w anted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. "What's wrong, are you well," she asked? My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a sur prise invitation is a sign of bad news. "I thought that it would be pleasant to be with you," I responded. " Just the two of us. " She thought about it for a moment, and then said, " I would like that very much. " That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her house, ...

Tere bin - Incredible India

I simply love this song by Rabbi :) and found a really fantastic video: Incredible India - it kinda suits it so well... and fills me with pride to be an Indian :) The lyrics go by (borrowed), but my interpretation is: the culture which is inculcated in Indians enables them to be immensely patient (love Gautam Budha's teachings), unconditionally loving, compassionate, perseverant, humble, forgiving, and so on...... the list is endless..... and conquering the world in almost all fields..... be it Science, Maths, Medicine, Space, Economics... anything..... tere bin / besides you sanu sohnia / my love koi hor nahio labhna / i shan't find another jo dave / who'll give ruh nu sakun / peace to my soul chukke jo nakhra mera / and indulge me ve main sare ghumm ke vekhia / i have gone and seen it all amrika , roos, malaysia / america, russia, malaysiana kittey vi koi fark si / there wasn't any difference har kise di koi shart si / they all had some condition koi mangda mera si sa...