via Request to buy the simple clay idols of Ganesha...! Help control pollution friends! Tonnes of that metallic paint goes to the rivers :( Share across! Help in the noble cause.... worship and nobility hand in hand :) God bless all the devotees..! Buy clay Ganesha idols, and not the metal painted ones- State tells people The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board has framed guidelines which will be distributed to the public. They include avoiding sale and worship of idols coloured with metal-based paints, providing impermeable lining for immersion tanks and spreading awareness through mass media, Kanwar Pal, Secretary, Department of Environment and Ecology, told The Hindu. The meeting discussed measures to stem increasing contamination of lakes, wells and groundwater such as demarcation and fencing of lake beds, intercepting and diverting sewage away from lakes, setting up sewage treatment plants, greening the lakes' periphery and so on.