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Space Spiral and a Beautiful Starry sky

An unusually "perfect" cosmic corkscrew surrounds the binary star system LL Pegasi in a new   Hubble Space Telescope   picture released this week. Take a look !  Isn't this is coooool :)  Astronomers think t he spiral's evenly spaced rings are being created because one of the stars in the binary pair is dying. Unlike more massive stars that end their lives in explosive   supernovae , LL Pegasi is quietly shedding its outer layers of gas and dust to form what's called a planetary nebula. The dying star itself is still hidden by a dusty cocoon. But it's ejecting material at about 31,000 miles (50,000 kilometers) an hour, the researchers calculate, forming a new ring in the spiral every 800 years - wow! Oh! and for the star gazers,  for the next week or so sky-watchers in the Northern Hemisphere will have the chance to see an elusive celestial pyramid known as the zodiacal light.  False Dawn or  Zodiacal Light or what-so-ever.. this pic is just ...

Ganesha caligraphy

This is amazing... A pic of Lord Ganesha in caligraphy

photography - Using Available Light

Something useful! Light is changing around you all the time. Learning to see that change is the secret to making outstanding photographs. oh!I loved these!

Clouds 365

via I loved the clouds in all shapes n sizes, all shades n hues.. :) Posted via web from yo!

The perfect light settings

via MacroLights consists of four adjustable LED lamps, which are easily mountable directly on your camera lens. Both the position and intensity can be individually adjusted on each of the lamps. This gives you more than 120 different light settings to choose from to create the perfect macro photograph. To Summarize   Not flash but steady light – also very suitable for making macro video. Better than flash – easier to adjust. Fits all cameras with a flash hot shoe.   Posted via web from yo!