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Showing posts with the label friendship

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Friends are those people who know the  words to the song in your heart and sing them back to you when you have forgotten the words...

Christian The Lion - A Pet's Love Is Forever

This is the coolest video I have ever seen. .. so inspiring! Christian The Lion - A Pet's Love Is Forever! and the amazing aerosmith songie...adds magic to it! Song: Don't Wanna Miss A Thing... Here's another link for the documentary: Christian The Lion - Full ending:..  

The Dumbest thing 1

The Dumbest thing is to..... to waste your time :P This might sound glib, but two people especially friends, relatives, or partners not talking to one another over a mutually perceived slight, is a complete waste of time. Obviously it follows, that the longer they remain incommunicado and persona non grata, vis- a-vis each other, the more time they must be wasting. Yet people are capable of speding years. even tens of them, and often close to or including a lifetime, that's left to them without resuming any form of relationship with the other. When and if they manage to get away successfully, it;'s because each believes the other is to blame without thinking that it takes two wrongs to make a third. So, whose time is being wasted? Clearly, not the rest of the world's because that has its own demands to deal with Clearly, not that of one’s immediate folks and kin since they too eventually abdicate any concern they might have initially harboured. What’s clear,...