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Life n d power of affection

Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans..... I saw this graphic, and in the first glimpse, it seemed a junkie outta d dustbin, but when I looked at it for sometime, I saw the beauty in its crumpled untidiness..... and realised that its its imperfection that gives it this "beauty", and its "uniqueness"..... Imagine a blank sheet of paper with the same letters "LIFE" written over it(u may actually do it practically) and compare this pic with it...m damn sure you'd like d crumpled one more! N now some geeku inputs, ummm.... life is not the "digital" '0' or '1', i.e. "good" or "bad", the two loner states hanging out there...all alone! rather its like a beautiful sine/cos curve(as a matter of fact, any curve) with infinitesimal moments of the "actual life" happening between the start and the end.... To enjoy life fully, we must enjoy these "seemingly tiny" moments...