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Showing posts with the label economics

Amazon's deals

d-lal or ha-lal street?

Ah! everyone's been talking bout d meter down thingie ! and we were having "some" "knowledge-able" discussions over the subprime crisis , and the global economic situation over a wide variety of tea and coffee flavours.... Common people and investors look at the ticker outside Bombay Stock Exchange in Mumbai. Gosh! I've been pretty much interested in economics, but d stocks - nevva ! except the blinking blue and red bars on d screens which I see flashing across looks pretty interesting though - guess I gotta dive into this sea of knowledge too hmmm ..... I remember listening to some Mr. Tamal Bandhopadhyay (bureau chief, Mumbai HT-Mint) who was trying to calm down panicky people in that time of crisis ( ummm .. d last I remember about this bandwagon was the time when some Harshad Mehta came into news ....) and discussing about the fall starting around Dec 26, 2007 and taking the nose dive plunge right on Jan 10, 2008 and after following the Ame...