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Solar powered tablet for the rural

Ah.. thats something nice :) Amongst the bevy of tablets and phones being launched, someone thought of a solar powered one and that too for the rural... great :) Computers are now an integral part of a child’s education, and talking of a million Indian children who attend rural schools that don’t have electricity. No electricity implies no computers!! Recently, an appreciable endeavour of a group of organizations from several different countries put their heads together to create the I-slate, a low-cost, low-energy tablet PC designed for use in these schools that runs on solar power. As per the news, in recent surveys, it appears to be a hit with the kids. P rototypes were tested with  10-13 year old  students of a rural school in Hyderabad , and it was liked. They liked  scratch pad app and perhaps did not like the button-placement of this gizmo priced at Rs. 1500. Almost 40 percent of the country's population is without electricity. Only four of our metros get s...

apple of eye tablet

Take delicious bite of this juicy apple - released today! Apple -of the eye tablet