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The woman who walks alone

The woman who follows the crowd  will usually go no farther than the crowd. The woman who walks alone  is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before ~ Albert Einstein P.S. This thought has been referred to in various forms: The earliest known version referred to a “man”, and later versions switched to “one”, “person”, or “woman by Albert Einstein? Eda LeShan? Alan Ashley-Pitt? Francis Phillip Wernig Never-the-less, its the thought that counts :)

The inner being, the inner intelligence

Hmmm... nice article.... By: P aramahamsa Sri Nithyananda HEAR yourself when you speak. When I ask people who they are, they tell me they are doctors, spouses of someone or another, or friends of someone or another. These tags, doctor, engineer, husband, wife, father, daughter and friend, are labels given to you by the society. These tags are not you. “ Who am I ” is a deeper question beneath all these labels. These labels serve well in the outside world. They mean nothing internally. Let us ask ourselves how to succeed in the outside world. You will say, “it is hard, Master”; you will advice me, “we should be ahead of the crowd in ideas, information, possessions, and even relationships.” I will ask you again, “ Are you happy with everything you have? ” You will say, “Master, there is no such thing as a happy state. We have to keep moving to be the leader in the pack.” You are living and describing a rat race. The problem of winning a rat race is that even after winning you ar...