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Tere bin - Incredible India

I simply love this song by Rabbi :)
and found a really fantastic video: Incredible India -

it kinda suits it so well... and fills me with pride to be an Indian :)

The lyrics go by (borrowed), but my interpretation is:
the culture which is inculcated in Indians enables them to be immensely patient (love Gautam Budha's teachings), unconditionally loving, compassionate, perseverant, humble, forgiving, and so on...... the list is endless..... and conquering the world in almost all fields..... be it Science, Maths, Medicine, Space, Economics... anything.....

tere bin / besides you
sanu sohnia / my love

koi hor nahio labhna / i shan't find another
jo dave / who'll give
ruh nu sakun / peace to my soul

chukke jo nakhra mera / and indulge me
ve main sare ghumm ke vekhia / i have gone and seen it all
amrika , roos, malaysia / america, russia, malaysiana
kittey vi koi fark si / there wasn't any difference
har kise di koi shart si / they all had some condition
koi mangda mera si sama / some asked for my time
koi hunda surat te fida / some were fascinated with my face
koi mangda meri si vafa / some demanded my fidelity
na koi mangda merian bala / none wanted my demons

tere bin / besides you
hor na kise / no one else
mangni merian bala / wanted my demons
tere bin / besides you
hor na kise / no one else
karni dhup vich chhan / shall shade me in the sun

jiven rukia / (the) way you paused
si tun zara / slightly
nahion bhulna / i shan't forget
main sari umar / all my life

jiven akhia si akhan chura / you said, looking away
"rovenga sanu yad kar" / "you shall weep in my memory"
hasia si main hasa ajeeb / i laughed a strange laugh
(par) tu nahi si hasia / but you didn't

dil vich tera jo raaz si / you had a secret in your heart
mainu tu kyon ni dasia / why didn't you tell me
tere bin / besides you
sanu eh raz / none shall tell this

kise hor nahion dasna / secret to me

tere bin / besides you
peerh da ilaaj / what druid
kis vaid kolon labhna / has the cure to my ills
milia si ajj mainu / i found today
tera ik patra / a note of yours

likhia si jis 'te / on which you had scribbeled

tun shayr varey shah da / a varis shah couplet

park ke si osnu / upon reading which

hanjnu ik duliya / a teardrop fell
akhan 'ch band si / what was locked in the eye

seh raaz ajj khulia / was revealed today
ki tere bin / that other than you
eh mere hanjnu / these tears of mine
kise hor / won't be kissed by

nahio chumna / none else
ki tere bin / that other than you
eh mere hanjhu / these tears of mine
mitti vich rulnha / will wither in the dust

Also, check out this fabulous video from another favourite movie Namaste London
One more reason to love India - the most fabulous country in the world - and one more reason for being proud of being an Indian :)


  1. Anonymous30/6/08

    Hello aliena! Child you are not just fabulous, you simply rock in all you do.

    India is proud to have you as its child already!

    HAHA! your illy pilly on the other blog is too funny :P

  2. Anonymous30/6/08

    Hey thank you prof :) I am humbled :)
    I am just trying to love India... there is so much more to know and learn :)

  3. Anonymous30/6/08

    hi sarika thanx for giving us a wonderful post. the lyrics r so well translated and they send the same wave of emotion as u feel.

  4. Anonymous30/6/08

    Thank you Jyo! Keep smiling :)

  5. Anonymous2/7/08

    Thanks Sari ... Really loved Rabi's

    "tere bin sanu sohnia
    koi hor nahio labhna"

    It couldn't possibly be better expressed!

  6. Anonymous6/7/08

    hey.. it was Awesome!! really really loved it!! my personal one of d fav's song :)
    thnks sweets for sharing..


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