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Upper part of interior colonnade and vault

Upper part of interior colonnade and vault

Let Thy music flow through me

Walk with me, good and loving God,as I journey through life. May I take your hand and be led by your Holy Spirit. Fill me, inspire me, free me to respond generously to your call. For I believe you desire my deepest joy, and it is only in your company that my soul will be satisfied and my life will find its meaning and purpose. Amen

Live Life with Gratitude

A BEAUTIFUL verse in the Puranas (epics) says: Ananda (Bliss) attracts fortune. Even modern day psychologists say that if our mind is blissful, we attract happy people, happy situations around us. If we are sad and depressed, we attract unhappy people and sad incidents/Our being is like a dish antenna. If we tune ourselves to joy, we attract bliss; if we tune ourselves to depression, we attract suffering and pain.When we are blissful and deeply grateful, we are showered with more and more. In life, we are not just given what we need; we are actually showered. However, if we don't understand this, however much we are showered with, we will remain dissatisfied.A small story: A King saw a small boy beg for alms at the palace gates. He felt pity on him and asked him to stay in the palace for a few days. The boy was expecting a royal room with servants waiting on him but it was not so. The next morning, the boy expressed his dissatisfaction to the King about the room and other things. T...

Ganesh Symbolism

hmmm.....Om Shree Ganeshai Namah.... A picture is indeed worth a thousand words...or more...! "OM Ekadantaya Vidmahe Vakkratundaya Dheemahi Tanno Danti Prachodayat" meaning We devote our thoughts to the One Tusked Lord We meditate upon Him who has a Curved trunk May the tusked one guide us on the right path ♥ ♥