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Graphic design

d colours d drops.. d paint ...n d paint faint...
d characters... coming alive...
d paper becoming better.. d paper becoming feather
d strokes...d painter's lifeline...
look... its coming to life!
its coming to life....
through graphic design....


  1. Priya13/1/11

    lovely poem and graphics!

  2. awesome video Thanks for sharing.
    Inspires creativity :)

  3. - Goa Tour Packages
    Rajesh...Thanks for giving such a nice info.

  4. WOW...
    Its awesome...
    Just cant imagine thoughts that hv been put in for this

  5. Very true...
    It is appearing like a song

  6. The Art in the form of painting at its best...


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Thanks 4 ur comments:) Looking forward 2 more thoughts:)

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