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Turn the lights off for!

WWF’s Earth Hour is an inspiring message of hope and action – a global demonstration about climate change. Our campaign needs your commitment – so put the date in your diary and get ready for Earth Hour 2010!

WWF’s Earth Hour 2010 aims to unite the world’s people to demonstrate their concern about climate change. It will let world leaders know the world is still watching, following the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen in 2009, and expects them to take urgent action to tackle climate change.


n here's google's message

This evening, Saturday March 27th from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. local time, thousands of cities in more than 120 countries will turn off their lights to show their solidarity around the climate crisis. We encourage you join the millions around the world and turn off your lights for this year's Earth Hour.
Want to do more?

In addition to being a part of tonight's call to action, here are a few simple steps you can take to reduce your own personal energy use throughout the year:
Reduce your computing energy use through power management tools to save up to $60 and a half a ton of CO2 over the next year.
Learn more about simple changes you can make to your home that will save you energy and money.
Monitor and manage your home energy use by using Google PowerMeter.

I like it too



  1. aj shammi sade 8 vaje to sade 9 vaje tak....battiyan gul
    ~~~Earth hour 2010!

  2. Anonymous27/3/10

    badiya gal

  3. in India it is taken care by electricity board(EB) of respctive city/state. hats off for EB.

  4. Anonymous27/3/10

    thanks to electricity boards in India they allow only 2hours a day, to switch on lights.

  5. lolz... aho... i know thrs loadsa power cuts...

  6. Earth Hour is a wonderful initiative...i hope it gets more popular with each passing year....we owe it not only to ourselves,but also to our future generations.....


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