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Tree-saver tips

Ah! Well, I am a total nature animal! A wild one at that sometimes ;)

Anyways, just came across some daily do-something tree-saver tips !
How boring? Well! its a matter of your lifestyle....!
I pretty much make sure that I
1. Avoid taking print outs unless absolutely necessary
2. Use both sides of paper
3. Try and use multiple page on a page print option
(the font is reduced here though), but yeah! thats fine :)
n more....
Am glad I have planted quite a few saplings around Delhi.. and am glad and proud to see them as fruit-laden trees:)

Would love to have more tips from you :)

Please visit the site for more daily tips

Love protecting mother nature!

This is a cool link - bamboo livlihoods


  1. Excellent Tree saver tips Sarika....well..u have covered all the bases to save our trees....
    also we can use recycled papers for our notes and rough we used to and still do in our colleges...the day is not so far when we will have a completely paper less existence....our trees are crying out loud....and its high time we paid heed to their request...

  2. Excellent Tree saver tips Sarika....well..u have covered all the bases to save our trees....
    also we can use recycled papers for our notes and rough we used to and still do in our colleges...the day is not so far when we will have a completely paper less existence....our trees are crying out loud....and its high time we paid heed to their request...


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