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Celebrate being a Woman!

Wishing you a happy "International Women's Day - March 8"  .....



the mother
the wife
the friend
the sister

besides these....
all the lovely relations she follows to make you what you are...
and to make herself what she is....
all in all... to complete each other.....

Ok.... find more info at internationalwomensday

A nice poem I found on the web...

I am a girl.
I am an expression of beauty, joy, and love.
I have the right, the power and the ability, to create a beautiful, joyful, and peaceful world for myself and others.
I have a body, but i am not my body.
I have a face, but i am not my face. I am the most important thing in the world to me.
I am love in motion.
I am the light of the world.
I can create.
I can make a mistake.
I can create something beautiful in all that i do.
I deserve the best.
I give my best.
I do my best to always take care of me. I am a girl.
I am growing into a woman.

I am the joy the world is waiting for.

umm.... completing this with a stanza from "Aw well u know"

To understand her
Hear every thought
See every dream
And give her wings when she wants to fly
Completing this post with a lovely song by Lennon
Women-for the other half of the sky


  1. Anonymous10/3/09

    Happy Women's Day though a bit late. Very beautiful Post. All the roles of women so beautifullly defined by pictures:)

  2. Subroto17/2/10

    Happy Women's Day though a bit late. Very beautiful Post. All the roles of women so beautifullly defined by pictures:)

  3. Thanks Subroto...
    Well March 8 is just one day... one does not need a specific date to celebrate the same :)
    You can thank and cherish all the lovely ladies in your life, any day... God Bless!

  4. March 8, 2011
    Celebrate being a woman... mother, daughter, wife, sister, granny
    There's a part of you in me... been with me when I've been down, holding me up, strengthening me, helping me take little steps to success, taking care of d family, smiling to make others smile.. even in the worst of situations, and much much more words fail to express.... a whole heartedly thank you ♥ love you♥


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