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Nostradamus n Mayan Calendar End Date

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Ok! This is a snapshot of something I was trying :D

Play amongst the stars in the universe!
Whether you’re an astronomer or stargazer, Sky in Google Earth brings millions of stars and galaxies to your fingertips.

I really found this cool!

I spent so much time,and still can go on n on :) See the cluster of stars, and the galaxies.. its amaaaaazing.... bet, you'd get totally lost amongst the stars....:)
There's Spitzer Infrared Showcase which will let you visualize the universe as in w.r.t. varying opacity :)


Also, I came across this interesting snippet..... is the

The Mayan Calendar ends: December 21, 2012

1) Nostradamus wrote Quatrains that described World War III. He indicated that the Anti-Christ would play an important role. Are all of these predictions related to the Mayan Calendar End Date?

2) A 12th planet named Nibiru is also thought to have a 3600 year orbit around our sun. Some people believe that Nibiru will be entering our solar system in the year 2012.

We actually hope that 2012 does come and pass without anything happening. You realize that there will no longer be if 2012 is the end of the world (much less the Internet). This forum/website is based on UFOs and 2012. This is not just a 2012 website; it is also a UFO website.

Obviously, we feel there is reason for concern over the year 2012. The name for our website originated from a program shown on the History Channel. This particular program was based on the Bible Codes and was shown in December 2007. Please take some time to watch the videos we have on the Bible Codes. We think you might be pretty shocked at the credibility of the people who feel they exist. Anyway, this particular program on the Bible Codes indicated that within a very small area they found the words: 2012 Comet

So, the 2012 Comet prediction was not something that we just made up off the top of our heads. This prediction has and was pulled directly from the Bible Codes. Recently, there was an article published on the Internet that disputed/debunked our 2012 Comet prediction. Here is a link to the article:

Universe Today

You’ll notice that the article barely mentions the Bible Codes and the writer did not even know that the 2012 Comet prediction came directly from the Bible Codes.

We have two theories on what could happen in 2012 (more precisely: 12/21/2012).

1. Our main theory is that Planet X does exist and it will pass by earth in 2012. When it passes there will be other objects following it (comets & asteroids). One or several of these will strike earth on or near December 21, 2012.

2. Our second theory has to do with NEOs that can not be found by NASA or anyone else. Only 90% of the NEOs (Near Earth Objects) are tracked by NASA. Apparently, it is impossible for NASA or anyone else to find all of the asteroids and comets in our universe. So, the second theory is based upon an NEO (comet) hitting earth that was never located by anyone.

So, in order to believe that a 2012 comet is possible, you first have to believe that the Bible Codes are in fact true/exist. We firmly feel that they are in fact true. However; we also feel that they were placed in the Bible to help and not hurt anyone. This could mean that if NASA or any other space agency believes that they are in fact true, then there is a possibility that the future could be altered. Who knows what the US/Russia actually have sitting up in space right now? It’s possible that the comet has already been found and there is a team working to prevent it from hitting earth. Let’s hope so..

So, if November 2012 rolls around and NASA or another space agency has not reported that an NEO has been diverted, then we are going to take a month vacation to a “safe area”. This may or may not help us survive if a comet does in fact hit earth.

What do you think?


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Thanks 4 ur comments:) Looking forward 2 more thoughts:)

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