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Energetic energy

Energy in various forms.... how do you tap your energy?
How do we rejuvenate?
A smile....? to ourselves? and to ones who frown? and to strangers?
Yoga? Meditation? Maybe a round on the treadmill n the cross- trainer?
[Continued below the pics]

Some amazing pics I found ... indicating the various forms of the enrgetic energy

1. A stunt rider

2. The use of energy across the Hong Kong skyline.

3. Power lines

4.Wave energy in action

5. Horsey Drainage Mill a coast is scattered with disused windmills.

6. A lack of energy! A man recharges his batteries :D

7. generation of light patterns sparklers [i liked this one :)]

or maybe watching a favourite movie, cartoon show, or listening to some amazing music....
or strumming you favourite string instrument? or rather any other instrument?
playing with kids?
playing with your pet(s)
just holidaying... does it always relax you? [lolz... if u keep ur mobile n business on even during the holidays, it would certainly NOT!]
sipping your favourite drink...
or just lazying around....?
Tell me, ah! atleast tell yourself! :D


  1. Anonymous6/2/09

    holidaying and yes you are right with mobiles off :D

  2. shekhar17/2/10

    holidaying and yes you are right with mobiles off :D


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