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Wishing you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2009!

Oh! d 12 days of xmas n d new year.....

Life happens when we are planning something else :D

Ah! well.. loads of stuff to be done... some done.. some still pending....

At the personal front, I started by pinging those who somehow came to my life, but maybe things did not work out.... so I began on the noble philosophical thoughts that

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
and yeah! its far more difficult to make friends than enemies- :) - oh! and dat too good friends :)

Some responded, some I still await :)

Thank you my wonderful friends... for being there!
and welcome to all the new friends :)

Wishing you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2009!

Lets paint the Life's canvas with some beautiful strokes!

P.S.: and d'oh its quite bad to be illy. chilly n taking pilly at xmas n new year's time... d'oh! Thanks to all wonderful friends who made my "deliberate holiday" a wee-bit more enjoyable :)


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