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Nature's intricate patterns

Snowflakes form when a cloud droplet first freezes into a tiny particle of ice
Came across these beautiful intricate patterns while reading something on photonics- are they not simply awesome... mother nature.. bowing to you!
Microphotographic images of snowflakes captured by California Institute of Technology physics
professor Kenneth Libbrecht will appear on US postal stamps beginning this month.
His research is aimed at better understanding how structures arise in material systems, but it is
also visually compelling and, from the start, has been a hit with the public: Libbrecht said his
Web site,, is getting about two million hits a year.

Ah! can any jewellery designer match this beauty....?

Nature's intricate patterns


  1. Anonymous25/1/09

    AMAZING patterns and designs - beautiful collection.Yes I agree, no humn can make such beautiul patterns.WOW. I also marked the 'Reaxtions' section below the post:)

  2. Christine17/2/10

    AMAZING patterns and designs - beautiful collection.Yes I agree, no humn can make such beautiul patterns.WOW. I also marked the 'Reaxtions' section below the post:)


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