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kaun banega oscar pati

Slumdog Millionaire, the British-made film set in Mumbai which has become this year's word-of-mouth hit, continued its unstoppable rise.

Danny Boyle's
rags-to-riches flick, which is an adaptation of the Boeke Prize winning and Commonwealth Writers' Prize nominated novel Q and A by Indian author and diplomat Vikas Swarup, and has already won four Golden Globes earlier this month, recently had its Indian premiere in Mumbai.

It is one of five films in contention for best picture. The others are The Reader; Milk, the true story of America's first openly gay politician; Frost/Nixon, the dramatisation of Sir David Frost's televised showdown with former US President Richard Nixon; and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a fantasy starring Brad Pitt as a man who ages backwards, which leads the race with 13 nominations. Each of the films has a best director nomination.

"To win so many nominations is unbelievable and for two Indians to be in the nominations is great news. We absolutely never imagined this," said Anil Kapoor, one of the film's star... oh nd is it true that shhrukh declined anil's role in the film? well!

Well.. whatever... I loved the music by Rehman.. and am especially proud of him -his music transcends and is kinda to Beethoven...somthing told me.... and yeah I m eager to see this movie!


  1. Anonymous5/2/09

    this is one cool movie! rehman has really brought in life to the music!

  2. sanket17/2/10

    this is one cool movie! rehman has really brought in life to the music!


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