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Amazon's deals

go-ogle ;)

The google sari!

This fashion piece is called the "Oogle Sari"

I wonder if they have some API too ;)


  1. Anonymous4/7/08 trying to acquire the Textile market :)

  2. Anonymous4/7/08

    Is Adsense available for the oogle :D

  3. Anonymous4/7/08

    I wonder if they give some API ;)

  4. Anonymous4/7/08

    hehe awesome :D
    babes you rock!

  5. Anonymous4/7/08

    Wow! what is the price of this dress?
    I want to gift to my gorgeous wife :)

  6. Anonymous4/7/08

    Not sure.. I also wanna buy that one ;)

    Its priced @ ~ 25K INR.....
    anyone listening ;)

  7. Anonymous4/7/08

    Its a nice gift if she can carry it off well:D

  8. Anonymous4/7/08

    haha.. dat was a good one :D

  9. Anonymous4/7/08

    is there "I'm feeling lucky" button :D

  10. Anonymous4/7/08

    Is there any search button by which we can dig the mind of a women :P

  11. Anonymous4/7/08

    no one can!

  12. Anonymous4/7/08

    Go ogle? Ok, sure ... will do that. No gentleman ever turns down a lady's request [:D].

    And what is this API? That interface thingy? Between the sari and the model [;)]? Am sure there must be many volunteers here [:p].

  13. Anonymous4/7/08

    kya baat hai! will i get a chance to do a yahoo after go-ogle :P

  14. Anonymous5/7/08

    is it a beta release???

  15. Anonymous5/7/08

    This Google is guaranteed to have a lot more (ooohhh)ogle......will surely have many more hits in the Seach tab.

  16. Anonymous6/7/08

    hmm how much is satya paul payed by go-ogle... :P

  17. Anonymous7/7/08

    hehe :P
    wow! what witty comments :D
    I wish adsense was available ;)
    n I guess so its a beta release, I am waiting for the final product launch!
    satya paul or not.... its different ;)
    go-ogle :D

  18. Anonymous7/7/08

    My God ! what is this ? :O
    It doesn't make any sense to me.
    Just another advertisement strategy.

  19. Anonymous8/7/08 wud be great to wear these kinda dresses at marriage party of software engineers :P

  20. Anonymous8/7/08

    ah! well it could be shocking to some as well :P
    n yeah marriage party of software engineers :D hmmm...


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