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adios randy!

Randolph Frederick Pausch, or Randy, succumbed to cancer on Friday, July 25, 2008:
From the Wall Street Journal
Randy Pausch, the computer science professor who rose to fame after giving a quirky last lecture about celebrating life in the face of his terminal cancer, died Friday, July 25, 2008.

I learnt and re-learnt a LOT from his simple, yet fantastic lecture, which keeps popping to the front of all audio/video lists I maintain.....

I listened to him first around mid Jan 2008.....

My favorite quote from the last lecture by this CMU prof
"It's not about how to achieve your dreams; it's about how to lead your life. if you lead your life the right way, the dreams will come to you."

Randy Pausch, in 2007, holding his children Logan and Chloe, with Dylan on his shoulders.

May your soul rest in peace....!


  1. Anonymous2/8/08

    Sari and I both saw his Last Lecture on You Tube about the same time ... she had probably sent me the link.

    What a guy he was .. a man amongst men.

    To know that he had just a few months to go; to insist on following a very intense form of treatment instead of giving in to the malignancy; to remain so physically fit and mentally alert; to continue to be such a great teacher, not just in his hi-tech subject but also in showing everyone around him how to live life and achieve one's dreams ... Hats off to you Randy!

  2. Anonymous3/8/08

    Thank you Jaspal ji:)
    That was awesome!
    n yeah Hats off to Randy.....
    "a man amongst men" very true!
    May his soul rest in peace.....


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