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Came across this intersting article today.....
Hmmm... agreed- >"
Were the differences between the sexes to be abolished, human nature would become as flat-tasting as wilted vegetables."

Men have long disparaged women for no better reason than that they simply aren't men. And women, too, have long dismissed anything men say or do with the mere epithet: “Men!” We should be thankful for the differences in human nature.

Were the differences between the sexes to be abolished, human nature would become as flat-tasting as wilted vegetables.

Let us look at that expression of masculine contempt: “Bahfeminine intuition!” Women are often, in fact, intuitive. So also, though generally in other ways, are men. Women's intuition finds expression most often through their insights into people. A wife may warn her husband, for instance, “That person you've been thinking of hiring isn't a good choice.” “What makes you think so?” demands the husband. “You've met him only once.” She replies, “It's just a feeling.” “Feeling” exclaims her husband impatiently. “Can't you explain yourself reasonably?” And so the husband ignores her advice. A year later, the employee absconds with half the company's funds. Reason asks, “How does this differ from that?”

In this analyzing process, it cuts itself off from
awareness of life's underlying oneness. Feeling, on the other hand, reaches out instinctively to embrace life. Feeling is therefore more conscious of the underlying oneness of all things.
Women, for this reason, are more often intuitive than men. Feeling is the abiding reality beneath the fluctuations of emotion. Intelligence, similarly, is the abiding reality beneath the analyses
of reason. Togther, they create wisdom. If a couple wants to grow deeper in understanding, the wife should offer her feelings up for consideration to the husband's impersonal logic. And the husband should draw on her intuition to direct his reasoning. If both partners are dedicated to knowing the truth, they will develop together a marvelous harmony.

If both partners are dedicated to knowing the truth, they will develop together a marvelous harmony and an ever-expansive vision of life.

Source - TOI


  1. Anonymous30/6/08

    Very, very true!
    Conflicts are a matter of time and passe by! Its a matter of understanding the differences.

  2. Anonymous30/6/08

    I agree.
    It takes immense patience to build any relation.
    This includes a right to fight, argue, and be upset. Both have to understand that both are different, and have to provide scope for improvement.

    Nice blogs madamoiselle!

  3. First of all Thankyou for visitng my so called blog...its in dire need of some refurbishing....U have done a wonderful job with ur blog...u have invested a lot of time and thought...i especially liked ur taste in music and the books u r let me know how do u find the White Tiger.......Now on this blog..Harmony...Well as the topic suggests..its all about living in harmony...apprecitaing each others' strong points...being considerate with each others' weak points...and trying to workout the best way forward in unison....Coz there is no point in fighting over the sexes, u know....God has made us in a beautiful manner so that we can compliment and support each other.......Intuition....well..i thought we all had this needs a bit of honing from time to time...and both the male and the female can put it to good use...and obviously they can help each other when one gets blinded by shortsightedness.......Nice read.....

  4. What a Beautiful Quote of the Day.........

  5. Neel, thank you so much for the appreciation.Well,its just a new trial in 2009:)and ah! as per your comments on the post, well I agree to the same. As per the books, I have recently bought the white tiger:) Started reading it, not yet complete. Do you want me to send across a link for the soft copy? :)Keep rocking!

  6. Anonymous27/1/09

    Fantastic blog!
    This was wow! In the quote of the day "You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her".

  7. was a pleasure reading ur blog....ur attention to detail and ur innovative stlye is really worth applauding....pls keep up the good work going...those write ups on animal issues and on young children are very touching.......
    Well...u can send me the link....but to be honest i dont really know if i can do justice to it...i am actaully kind of tied up right now....the same old lame excuse for not reading......Have urself a great day....

  8. Hi..Goodafternoon....absolutely....i too look forward to a long bloggy association with u....
    keep up the good work.....
    Have a nice day....

  9. Thanks Neel:) Same here!


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