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In our hands - Karma

We all come across situations in life, when the right seems wrong, and the
wrong seems right.....
Sometimes, we are so frustrated with life and want to put blame to destiny for all the wrong that's been happening.

Its all about Karma - don't you think God is kind enough not to let us know of our previous Karmas - good or bad, else it'd be so very difficult to live in this life.

I have always been taught, and believed that man is the creator of destiny - Its we who choose our paths - and not that the paths choose us!

I really liked this:
John Oliver Hobbes said: “Men heap together mistakes of their lives and create a monster they call destiny”.

Keep earning good karma, thank for people who come in your life at different moments....
Love yourself for what you are, and improve upon your mistakes readily.

Do things truly- so that you can look directly in your own eyes - if you can be truthful to yourself, you are already a winner - you are already powerful!

FORGIVE: and see miracles happening!

FORGIVE - again and again!

I came across this interesting article.....
read on:

What is the law of karma?
It is the law of cause and effect. My guru, Sadhu Vaswani, referred to it as the law of the seed. As you sow, so shall you reap. You cannot sow thorns and reap apples.
The law of karma is universal; it applies equally to all. Every thought, word, deed, emotion, feeling and wish are seeds we sow in the field of life, In due course, the seeds will germinate and grow into trees, and yield fruit — bitter or sweet — which we shall have to eat. No one else can do that for us.
There are causes that produce their effect immediately. There are other causes that produce their effect after a long time. If you overeat, it is a cause you have created. It produces an immediate effect — indigestion. There are other causes which take time to produce its effect, every seed must yield its fruit. This is the law of karma.
We are told, all men are created equal. No one can be so foolish as to imagine that there is actual equality of ability or environment or conditions of birth for all. Why, in the same family, do all children not have equality of ability or intelligence?
A Sindhi proverb says: “The mother gives birth to children, each brings with himself his destiny”. Each one brings his own karma. Among siblings, one might become a millionaire, while another struggles to make ends meet.
Two question arise: 1) Is this inequality the result of karma? 2) And if so, is it fair? The answer to both — as the sages of India have taught us — is in the affirmative. You are the architect of your own destiny. You are the builder of your own life. Every thought, emotion, wish and action creates karma: and we have been creating karma for thousands, perhaps millions of years.
If our thoughts, emotions and actions are benevolent, so-called good karma results. If they are malevolent, evil or difficult karma is created. The good or evil we generate attaches itself to us and remains in our life until we have neutralised it.
Why are our past karmas kept a secret from us?
Don’t you think it is a great mercy of God that our past karmic links are not known to us? Else, it may be difficult for us to live in the world.
How did bad karma originate?
Free will gives us the right of choice. We can choose between what the Upanishads call preya and shreya. Preya is the pleasant: the path of pleasure that lures us but leads to our degradation.
Shreya is the good: the path of shreya may, at first, be difficult to tread but ultimately leads to our well-being and spiritual evolution. At every step we have a choice. Many of us, alas, choose the easy path — the path of pleasure — and so keep on multiplying undesirable karma.
If all that happens today is the result of our past karma, is everything predestined?
No. John Oliver Hobbes said: “Men heap together mistakes of their lives and create a monster they call destiny”.
You are the builder of your fate. Therefore, be careful, especially of you thoughts. Every thought is a seed you are sowing in the field of life, and what you sow today, you will have to reap tomorrow.
Change your karma and you will change the conditions in which you live. And you can change your karma by adopting a new pattern of thinking.


  1. Anonymous26/6/08

    Thank you mam for your understanding.
    After discussion with you it felt like you knew about the problem long back,
    and you have known us for long and where I went wrong!
    Thanks for your valuable inputs:), and for taking out time. You rock!

  2. Anonymous26/6/08

    Hey bharat, I answered to same comment above:)
    Oh! did u feel so!
    n hey! welcome!
    I am not always right:P
    If d discussion helped you I am glad!

    n btw this post's also not mine.. just was reading it.... n felt like putting here! Some teeny weeny comments/additions r mine :)


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