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meri zindagi ke kucch rang.....

hectic hectic.. week.... phew! so damn tired..... ah! but d smile on the faces of the lovely li'l dahlings.... made me forget d tiredness..... as i stepped out of the car, all weary and tired.. I anticipated some curious eyes staring at me.....

Fiddling with my bag for the colours [gulaal] I had kept, and the ghujiya, I was still looking into the red coloured jhola bag which mom got for me :D n i readily accepted dat as it was quite different from d dainty purses I have been carrying, and esp coz it reminded moi of the good old college days....ah! purani jeans aur guitar :) hmmm.... so.... well! i was distracted by the "beats" of a v fav song playing somewhere... :D n a group of kiddos jumping around all oblivious.. trying to copy shahid n kareena ;) lolz.... i was fascinated..... stood watching them.... felt my feet tapping even at d "noisy" broken "music" and "beats" from d broken radio :P

I guess d cheer of the voices + d lovely laughter and smiles on the faces of the kids was much more musical and "beat-sical" :D

I dunno... just joined the gang.... to match a step or two :P did a jive.. right there in d centre of the road... wid d kidlings squealing wid laughter :)

In d midst of all this, some child pulled at mah bag [d jhola :D] and i remembered d gulal n d ghujiya... ah! all taken out - used to the fullest... n

relished:) d "didi didi" + "happy holi apko bhi" +d cute hugs and kisses fro d li'l dahlings brought tears to mah eyes....

wid misty eyes..., I hugged 'em for their unconditional love......thanked dem.... esp when they said "didi fil she zalul ana " [dats-> loving sister, plz do come back again], I forgot the intense tension I was d conference room a few while ago.... Happy Holi dahlings..... love ya:) Keep smiling... and God Bless!

Wish you a safe n colourful n Happy Holi!


  1. Anonymous21/3/08

    Thanks sweethearts 4 leaving your comments here as well as d new blog..... :)

  2. This was an amazing post!Lovely! I was almost there with you an kids.This life's sometimes so stressful, and these moments make us smile:)God Bless You always. Happy Holi darling!


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