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d prop-o-sal-sa

Dil wale hi dulhaniya leke ja-enge kenyit
The branch's thinking kab utrenge jelir
y's d candy taking so mucha time to take the flower


  1. Anonymous14/2/08

    Decent proposal!
    Indecent Proposal!

  2. Anonymous14/2/08

    Awww soooo cute.
    If the branch breaks, Cutie Pie will truly "fall" in love :-))

  3. Anonymous15/2/08

    yo!yo! baby..u simply got it right:)

  4. Anonymous15/2/08

    hehehe cutiee :)
    this is the same pic that i had putted in my album long time ago :D

    lovely !! :)

  5. Anonymous16/2/08

    Love ke liye saala kuch bhi karega..:P(aerobic dancing, prop-sal-sa)
    Ek phool do maali type story kya..?

    very cute pic...though phool lene waali(waise confirm nahi hai waali hai ki waala hai..:D)would be thinking kya Fool hai..!propose hi karna tha..toh kuch khane peene ka item hona chaiye tha..buiscuit,bread,cake,some dessert kya free ka phool de rahe ho..!:D

  6. Anonymous6/3/08

    gud one....amusing one in fact.

  7. Anonymous7/3/08

    thx sayak-o ;)

  8. Anonymous3/6/08

    fundoo! I'd do anything for my lady love. This inspires me:)

  9. Anonymous9/2/09

    hahaha so cute! I woul readily accept ths proposal. Cutest:)


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