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Meow! Growl!

Oh My Gawd!
Just heard bout the tax on keepin pets!


  1. Anonymous26/1/08

    Cool cat...seems to be saying
    "Who do you think I am - Garfield? Well you're not way of....just dont mess with me"

  2. Anonymous26/1/08

    i was surprised n shocked when I heard about the TAX on keeping more than 1 animal as pets !
    MEAOW..... where's d kool kat army ;)

  3. Anonymous27/1/08

    why r you shocked Cattie! your owner would engage a CA or tax lawyer soon or would pay some bribe to MCD officers..:P..dont worry at all:D

  4. Anonymous27/1/08

    hehe :D rofl... yes yes.. dat needs to be done.. do u know anyone ;) who deal in cattie affairs :D
    n i really wanna give those dumboz a similar / worse shock;)

  5. Anonymous27/1/08

    MeeeeeeeeAaaaaaaaaW!!! Do guyes better do not keep guessing what I thinkkkkk!!! I am after all from a Big cat family !!!!

  6. Anonymous27/1/08


  7. Anonymous27/1/08

    BTW Sari, there always has been a tax .... one gets a small token (for attaching to the collar) after paying Rs 50.00 or so at the MCD office.

  8. Anonymous27/1/08

    oh! i dint know bout it :P thx 4 dat info :)
    thats fine na ... but adopting more of 'em pe nahi hona chahiye :((

  9. Anonymous28/1/08

    meaaaawwww.... no... whom I gonna play with... that what this kitten is thinking & is so shocked... Some One should tell Chidemberam to refrain himself from shocking even animals ;) ~p

  10. Anonymous28/1/08

    i think there shd b tax on having more than one child not on having more than one pet ;)


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