Ok.. dats moi reading n singing carols :P
Meanwhile... as some lovely friends requested... here's d link for making candles
from my blog
Meanwhile... as some lovely friends requested... here's d link for making candles
from my blog

Merry Christmas and Terry bhi Christmas :P [in hindi (phonetically) - my christmas n urs christmas too :D]
Jingle Bells , Jingle BellsJingle All the way :D
How bout a ride?

hmmm.... n my linked list of movies to watch:
Saw Chestnut d central park hero yesterday... choooooooooo cute :) d two li'l orphan girls... how they take care of d dude dog... and how d story turns up... must watch :) hehe..... very close 2 how i play with my pet :P
1. Jab we met :D.. o punjabi kudi :D
2. Welcome =)) hehe... d ad is so funny :D
3.taare Zameen par ...yo! for a ace khan :) loved d songs :):) n Jodha Akbar
4. and yeeeeee... air buddies :D hehe nanhe natkhat :P:P how i loved cute mumble from Happy feet :P hehe
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