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A gift to remember

Christmas is almost here and if you haven't been able to go shopping for gifts for friends or relatives, don't worry. Here are some ideas to make some, right in the comfort of your homes

[Aw! well I've actually used all the ideas mentioned here :D hmmm... but then wht's creativity;)
try making some candles at home - here's my earlier posting - Make ur candles
Excuse moi for broken links.. d name of d blog's changes a couple of times from thinktanks to innovate and create to upload intelligence to livinonedge :P]

Christmas is the time to show the ones you love just how much they mean to you. So, Christmas gifts need not be expensive and ostentatious (Ah! yes.. I truly believe in dis :) - after all there's nothing more expensive than pure love :) )
In fact a unique homemade Christmas gift will do the trick. Creating a gift to suit the recipient, be it a child, teenager, girlfriend, teacher or parent doesn't require much apart from creativity and some basic material. Besides, homemade Christmas gifts can be a touching expression of your love and good wishes. Taking time and effort to create a personalised Christmas gift will definitely strike a chord in the hearts of those you gift it to. So let's get started...
Create personalised stationery for family members and close friends. Let your creative juices flow and you can come up with patterns and lettering that is best suited for each one. Add interesting twists with dried flowers, ribbons or motifs that you may have collected over the years. Mix and match several designs and colours.
Everyone would appreciate a well-tended and potted plant for a personalised Christmas gift. You can have small ornamental boxes and pots of interesting plants, if you are an avid gardener. You can create a hamper of seeds, cuttings and bulbs for a
friend who would appreciate it. Decorate it with lace and bells to add that special touch. Involve the kids in creating these lastminute gifts. You can put the busy minds to work on clay models for making picture frames and crafts. Get children to decorate candles and gift them to friends. They can create unique Christmas ornaments, collage, jewellery and wreaths for homemade Christmas gifts. Allow the kids to create their personalised bookmarks with bits of paper, ribbon, wallpaper, fabric or yarn. They can use beads, ribbons and rings and create homemade key chains as Christmas gifts. Give them unused items lying about around the house and you can be sure they will come up with innovative ideas for homemade Christmas gifts - paperweights, photo frames and loads of keepsakes.
You can make glittery snow candles or put together a gift basket of
aromatic candles of peppermint, vanilla, pine or lavender. Scented potpourri can add a final touch to this homemade Christmas gift.
Whip up a gourmet homemade Christmas present - a hamper bursting

with candies, nuts, pretzels, crackers and brownies. Bake Christmas cookies and gingerbread and put them together in a basket. Tie it up with a bright ribbon and seal it with love.
Get innovative and create candy bowls and Christmas centre-pieces. Wrap candies in gaily-coloured paper. Put them in an aesthetic bottle along with smooth coloured pebbles. Alternatively arrange them in a glass bowl with crystal pieces for a wonderful centre-piece.

Source: Times of India


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